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Mark Jackson New York City Fitness Trainer New Warrior Fitness

Cell phone: (917) 270-7339

Email: markjackson@newwarriorfitness.com

Call now for a FREE consultation
and FREE first session!


In-home personal trainers are to modern American society what doctors were to ancient China.

People used to pay doctors while they were "healthy." When they got sick—it was the doctor’s fault. He didn’t get paid anymore.

Forget Obamacare and Trumpcare, personal trainers are the new health insurance.

Gym procrastination is why people don't exercise. In-home trainers bring the work-out to you.

You can work out anywhere: your living room, office, apartment-building gym, or the park.

A good strength-workout habit gets you:

1) Confidence
2) 30-pound weight loss
3) Flexible hard-body with six-pack abs
4) Strong immune system
5) Excellent sleep
6) Stamina & energy

7) A longer life
8) No stress
9) Look better naked
10) Romance
11) Joy